

ORGANIC SUDO spp. is “Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria” (PGPR) as it promotes plant growth by secreting auxins, gibberellins and cytokin in like substances. It produces iron chelating siderophores, hydrogen cyanide, lyticenzymes, cellulases, chitinases and proteases which are directly responsible forreduction of pathogenic organisms. In addition it also solubilizes insoluble phosphorus and facilitates its uptake by the plants.

Active ingredient:

Pseudomonas species cells.

Mode of action:

Pseudomonas cells on reaching thesoil, get activated and multiply oncarbon source in the soil.Pseudomonas produces and deposits biologically active metabolites which promote plant growth and manage diseases.


ORGANIC-SUDO is recommended for paddy, wheat,cotton, maize, barley, sorghum, oat, sugarcane, sugar beet, brinjal, potato, tomato, cabbage, cauliflower, onion, pulses, oilseeds, fruits, flowers, medicinal plants, plantation and othercrops.


Produces organic acids and? hormones and thereby increasing? the yield.

Formulation Available
Organic Sudo(Solid formulation) Organic Sudo Plus (Liquid formulation)
Composition:?Pseudomonas spp. -2×109/gm c.f.u. (when packed), moisture 30-40{c53c83fca584bad57bb03adb3dd4decbd716e4cde15ddb55ffb36f27786c1e62}, balance charcoal/lignite as carrier.
Direction for use:
Seed Treatment:?Mix 250 gram HIND ORGANIC-SUDO with 10-15kg seeds followed by mixing with molten and cooled gumarabica/jaggery (gud). Dry in shade for 10-15 minutes before sowing.
Soil Treatment:?Mix 2-3 kg HIND ORGANIC-SUDO with 50 kg FYM/vermicompost/compost/soil. Keep this mixture in shade for 3-5 days maintaining moisture. Broadcast in one acre at the time of sowing.Seedling/setts/rhizome
Treatment:?Mix 1 kg of HIND ORGANIC-SUDO in 20-30 liters of water in a container and dip the seedling/setts/rhizome for 15-20 minutes before transplanting.
Packing:?250 gram, 500 gram and 1 kg Poly bags kept in an outer corrugated box.
Composition:Pseudomonas spp. -2×109/ml c.f.u. (when packed),Microbial medium 2.2{c53c83fca584bad57bb03adb3dd4decbd716e4cde15ddb55ffb36f27786c1e62}, Residual microbial medium 95-97{c53c83fca584bad57bb03adb3dd4decbd716e4cde15ddb55ffb36f27786c1e62},Stabilizer 0.5{c53c83fca584bad57bb03adb3dd4decbd716e4cde15ddb55ffb36f27786c1e62}.
Direction for use:
Seed Treatment:?Use 6-10 ml of HIND ORGANIC-SUDO PLUS with 1kg seed in required water and dry in shade for 15-20 minutes before sowing.
Soil Treatment:?Mix 250-400 ml of HIND ORGANIC-SUDO PLUSwith 50 kg FYM/vermicompost/compost/soil. Keep this mixture inshade for 3-5 days maintaining moisture. Broadcast in one acre at thetime of sowing.Seedling/setts/rhizome
Treatment:?Mix 50-100 ml of HIND ORGANIC-SUDO PLUS in 20-30 litres of water in a container and dip the seedling/setts/rhizomes for 15-20 minutes before transplanting.
For spray: Mix 250-500 ml of HIND ORGANIC-SUDO PLUS with 200liters of water and spray in one acre near the root zone of the crop.
Packing:?250 ml, 500 ml and 1liter HDPE bottles packed in an outer corrugated box.

Eco Safety:

Organic Sudo is non toxic to humans, animals and other organisms. Itdoes not lead to any phytotoxicity and residual problem in soil as well asenvironment.


Do not mix Hind Organic Sudo with chemical fertilizers or chemical pesticides. Use double doses when seeds have been treated with chemicals before. Keep product in cool and dry place, away from heat and direct sunlight.Packet once opened, should be used immediately.