Eucalyptus tree are known as one of the giant(tallest) plants on the planet. There are more than 700 types of eucalyptus that fit in with the family Myrtaceae.
Most eucalyptus species are evergreen plants. Other than as trees, a few types of eucalyptus create as bushes. Most types of eucalyptus are local to Australia, New Guinea and Indonesia. Eucalyptus is essential and exceptionally abused plant as a result of its wood and oil. Eucalyptus is financially developed in tropical and subtropical regions everywhere throughout the world. Since it ingests tremendous amounts of water starting from the earliest stage, can be utilized for depleting of swamps. It can likewise annihilate jungle fever by wrecking wet natural surroundings which are needed for improvement of mosquito’s eggs. Sadly, drying of the dirt adversely influences other plant species. Eucalyptus is a tall evergreen tree. It achieves the tallness of more than 300 feet. Leaves of the tree on adolescent shoots are inverse, sessile, cordate-applaud and secured with a pale blue white blossom. The grown-up leaves are interchange, lanceolate and are 6-12 inches in length and 1-2 inches expansive. It eucalyptus-treeflowers are cream in shading. The presence of its bark changes with the tree’s age. Its bark comprises of long filaments and can be can be pulled off in long pieces. Stems of the seedlings and coppice shoots are quadrangular. Blossoms are in cymose panicles. The organic product is a container.
By planting Eucalyptus Clones you will get wood nearly 300 to 400 kgs per tree. Per acre you need minimum 2000 clones approximately. We give rough calculation here i.e per acre 2000 plants .On completion of 5th years you will get 300 Kgs per tree .So the total yield per acre is 2000 X 300=600000 kgs i.e. 600 metric tons per acre .The present market rate is Rs 6000 to 7000
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